Dar Merħba Bik, Balzan

€ 551.00 collected

Dar Merħba Bik works with women who have experienced domestic violence and to help them establish a way of life which best meets their needs and which best helps them to develop their potential.

1.     By providing adequate safe shelter to abused women and their children.

2.     By offering psycho-social services such as counseling, therapy, and support, of a social work nature or otherwise, to our residents.

3.     By promoting the re-integration of residents into the community, mainly through the provision of skills.

4.     By promoting reconciliation with self, with family (in whatever way possible or desirable), with society and with God.

5.     By helping the residents find alternative accommodation.

6.     By enhancing public awareness about the issue of domestic violence.

Commission “Ejjew Għandi” (Children’s Homes) Malta Diocese